NEWS Entrance examination will be coming up in February, May, July and August.

Class Structure

School at Oren begins at the Crèche level. We nurture and care for the babies from 3 months until they are ready to join others in the first class of preschool, the Playgroup class.

The Preschool is made up of 4 classes listed here in order of developmental growth.

For Info

Hover the titles

Early Beginners
Nursery One
Nursery Two

Our Nursery two class graduates at the end of the session into Primary school. The primary school section comprises 6 levels, from Year 1 through to Year 6. Primary school is completed at this level and pupils can graduate and move on to secondary school.

Each of these preschool classes has a specific milestone that is used to measure achievement, development and progress in that class, as well as readiness to proceed to the next level.